Reflection & Goal Setting

     Right after recital season is the perfect time to reflect on where you'd like to be by next year's recital!  It is a tradition in the Nguyen Music Studio to write a letter to your teacher documenting your answers to the following questions:

1) One year from today, I would like to have accomplished...

     Think of specific goals such as “I would like to be in the middle of Suzuki Book 3” or “I would like to have learned and polished Bach’s entire first cello suite”.  Goals such as these not only give you something specific to work towards but also help me to establish your curriculum as we move forward.  Things like specific repertoire, physical habits, mental habits, musical knowledge, musical experiences, ensembles, auditions, etc can be used.

2) As a musician, the thing(s) I am most proud of is(are)...  Why?

     What do you feel the most skilled at?  Rhythm, intonation, tone, musicality, stage presence, theoretical knowledge, and posture/form are just some examples of what you can cite.  Also, please explain why you feel this is your best asset.  Is this because you spend more time concentrating on it?  Do you particularly enjoy it?  Does it come easily to you?

3) As a musician, the thing(s) I would most like to improve on is(are)...  Why?

     Where do you feel that you have the greatest room for improvement?  Rhythm, intonation, tone, musicality, stage presence, theoretical knowledge, and posture/form are just some examples of what you can cite.  Also, please explain why you feel that it would be important to improve on these things.  What do you think would be an effective way to go about solving your issues?

4) I feel most successful when...  Why?

     Try to explain how you best tackle challenges and come out successful.  Do you prefer smaller, easier challenges or larger, more difficult ones?  Do you find constructive criticism more useful and motivating for you or do you enjoy being praised and the positive motivation inspires you to accomplish even more?  Why do you think this is?

5) I would like to tell Ms. Quyen...

     Anything and everything that you’d like to let me know, please say it here.  Whether you enjoy the lessons or wish it were taught in a different style or direction, feel free to let me know so I can help you in the best way possible.  Also, if you feel music has helped or hurt you in any way, please feel free to share your experiences!

     Alternatively, you can also send your letter by email to your future self, one year from now, by visiting!