Optimizing Your Online Lessons

As we all adjust to the new way in which we are engaging with music education, I wanted to offer a few tips to make your online lesson experience even more effective:

  • If you are using a laptop or computer, Zoom's audio output is far superior to Skype or FaceTime. Follow this video to adjust your settings.

  • If you are using Zoom with a phone, I won't be able to hear your upgraded audio (as the phone version does not have access to audio settings), but you will still be able to hear mine as I have a professional external microphone.

  • Zoom also has the ability to screen share with my iPad where I can edit a copy of your music with you in real time.

  • Unless you have a newer laptop or computer, most phones & tablets actually have superior audio & visual capabilities.

  • Regardless of which video conferencing app you use, best results are obtained when you have the most updated version and if your operating system is updated as well.

  • I am in the process of uploading all of our repertoire and curriculums to a Google Drive account, so you may access and print them out at your leisure. Please email me to request access.

  • Your feedback is appreciated so that I can deliver the best lesson experience possible for everyone. Please feel free to voice your needs so that I can address them. Thank you!