Virtual Winter Recital

I'm happy to announce that we will be hosting an online studio recital through Zoom on Saturday, February 13th at 5:30pm. "Doors" will open at 5:15pm for participants and attendees.

Because there was a preference for a more casual setting where participants and audience members may come and go at their leisure, I am requesting that all performers send in a final video recording one week before the recital date so that the performances may be streamed during the recital. This will prevent any lag or latency issues that could possibly disrupt a live performance, while also giving performers the opportunity to present their very best work! Due to student privacy, the recital will not be recorded through the Zoom app, and there will be no private recording made available through YouTube.

In order to present a fully realized musical performance, performing with accompaniment will be mandatory (except for solo Bach). Students may choose to perform with a digital piano track provided by Ms. Garcia-Grijalva, live piano accompaniment (perhaps you live with a pianist), or accompaniment through the Cadenza Live or My Pianist apps (please make sure you fully understand how this software works as it can be somewhat complicated to use).

Students must sign up with their chosen recital piece by Saturday, December 19th, at which point I will send a followup email with more specific details.

I am looking forward to seeing and hearing everyone perform, and I hope you will join us in this very special community event!
